What I'm up to (January 2021 update)
Funny how a lot of people expected that the turning of the year would improve things significantly from 2020, as if nothing had ever happened. Obviously, it hasn't been the case, and we're still stuck at home with a pandemic all around the planet.

Funny how a lot of people expected that the turning of the year would improve things significantly from 2020, as if nothing had ever happened. Obviously, it hasn't been the case, and we're still stuck at home with a pandemic all around the planet.
2020 was a wild year. No one really expected this and, worst of all, we don't know how long this will go for. We're starting with the vaccinations, but at current paces, it'll take years until everyone is properly given their dose. However, there's hope: it seems that the vaccinations are, for the most part, pretty effective.
All right, let's get down to the periodic update.
Current location and travels
2020 was the year I was going to slow down on travelling. Fewer trips but more meaningful, less but better and so forth. COVID-19 helped with that.
However, I have been able to travel a bit during 2020.
First, I went to Berlin for work with one of our clients. Even though the trip was short, it allowed me to switch context and leave my apartment behind after almost four months confined in it. I spent one week in Berlin doing remote work and a few socially-distanced meetings, before buggering off to Stuttgart to visit a friend. The situation in Stuttgart was way better and there were almost no limitations there regarding mobility or the schedules of bars and restaurants. That allowed us to do a bit of socialising and then we also spent quality time in nature in the Black Forest.
After that, I spent a week in Formentera, probably my favourite place on Earth, with the folks of Noise Base, the music podcast I co-host every Sunday (in Catalan). It's a metal podcast of mostly non-metal music.
We came up with the idea during the hard confinement, and we've been recording it since early last year. We've got 20 episodes so far, and we decided to spend some time together at one of the members summer house in the beautiful island of Formentera, to bond deeper as a team