What I'm up to (December 2022 update)

Time for your random life update, I guess!

What I'm up to (December 2022 update)
Not me 👆

Hi again! I haven't really updated this page as much as I wanted last year, so from now on I'll update it every fortnight. In fact, I haven't updated it for a year and a half. Apologies.

Current location & travels

Right now, I am at home.

While I have always been a travelling soul, since 2020, I have geared down in my travelling plans.

I used to travel about 40% of my time during my 20s and early 30s, but my personal situation has changed. For one, I have tired of the always-travelling lifestyle, but I've also started to grow a family and I want to spend more time at home with them.

After 11 years living with friends and on my own, I left my famous Taxdirt Rocks apartment to move to a nearby, bigger apartment with my girlfriend, her son, two cats and two turtles.

You can check my past travel activities, though. I share all my trips using Nomadlist. While in Barcelona, you can book me for a quick call to tell me how can I help you or your project.

Of course, I do a sensible amount of business travel, but not as much as I did in the past. I visit San Francisco once per year, Madrid once per month and I visit our MarsBased clients around the globe once per year, approximately.

My plans for 2023 are to visit California with my new family and maybe check two different countries. I also have to make it up to Greece, for not visiting her during 2021. Previously, I had been going to Greece every year since 2009.


2021 was a transition year, for me. I had to transition from being a single remote worker & concert-goer to a family man. My goals from previous years make no sense now, as I have to juggle my own internal intentions with the deeds of co-running a family.

Basically, I don't want to plan for too much, as I know that habits are hard to pursue with this life change. It's maybe more advisable to pursue fewer habits but better ones.

Side projects & interests

Two projects occupy part of my agenda nowadays.

First, I play in a punk rock band called RES!. We play fast and melodic punk rock in the style of RKL, early NoFX and other Californian bands. I play bass and do backing vocals, although I sing a song or two in concert, when we play versions of other bands. Check our first album: Sou tots uns fills de puta.

Second, I co-host a podcast about business and technology called Foc a terra with my good friend Marc Collado. It's in Catalan.

I also invest in startups. Let me know if you have any interesting projects, especially in the B2B SaaS realm.

What am I working on?

At MarsBased, we are hitting a record year in both sales and profit. It's the third year in a row where this happens, so I'm elated with the situation of the company.

Since the company is really stable on sales, I am enabling everyone in the company to do their best, while leading our efforts in marketing and sales. I am very busy also with our podcast: Life on Mars.

As for Startup Grind Barcelona, we have been a little over one year doing events offline, after 18 months of online-only efforts (which sucked). Our monthly events are going well but we've lost a lot of support in sponsors and partners. For the time being, I'm funding it through MarsBased because I can't afford to spend time looking for partners and sponsors, as it's a huge opportunity cost for me.

Food, drinks and such

2021 has been a year swamped with minor health problems, which wouldn't have been a big deal in and of themselves if isolated, but most of them came together. Therefore, I haven't been able to heal properly nor work out, so I'm slightly out of shape but going back to regular training.

I haven't done as much cardio as I used to do (mostly running) nor weight-lifting, and I think it'll be hard to go back to my good shape. I'm between 7 and 10 kg away from my ideal weight.

One thing that doesn't help to get in shape is beer, but I've cut down on drinking significantly. Now, I hardly ever party, but I like my couple of pints of craft beer like the next guy. I tend to drink only during Saturday night, as Saturday is my cheat day in my diet.

Random trivia

I stopped reading my age in books as I'm too tired now to accomplish it and have a whole new set of other obligations.

Since 2019, I have been getting a lot of tattoos. I'm close to 20 now. I am planning to get both sleeves done between now and Summer 2023.