Using a global network to reduce the gender gap

Every May, Startup Grind celebrates female entrepreneurship by hosting only female speakers. This year we'll be 200 chapters doing it. Talk about global reach!

Using a global network to reduce the gender gap

Every May, Startup Grind celebrates female entrepreneurship by hosting only female speakers. This year we'll be 200 chapters doing it. Talk about global reach!

The initiative started as a joint action between Startup Grind and Google for Entrepreneurs a couple of years ago, so as to raise awareness of this sad truth: there is still a huge gender gap in the entrepreneurial scene.

There are not enough women among us entrepreneurs, and the ones that are out there are getting less credit, recognition, investment and opportunities than their men counterparts.

Luckily for all of us, in the last years, a lot of new initiatives have been started to raise awareness at any level: every person deserves to be treated equally in society, regardless of their gender. We very much believe so at Startup Grind, and we are committed to raising awareness in our own sector, where we are strong, that is: among entrepreneurs.

It's really disheartening that in the 21st century we still have this problem in our society. Let's right this wrong.

Last March, we announced that Startup Grind passed the 200 Chapters mark worldwide. One of the most recent additions is really close to Barcelona, actually. It's in Tenerife. So I'm happy to count on another Chapter in the Southern Europe region that I get to help in as a Regional Manager.

Back on topic: 200 chapters worldwide that will host a female speaker during this month. Isn't that incredible? Yet a lot more can be done: we need to be hosting more female speakers every month, outside of these initiatives, and, of course, foster entrepreneurship among women so we won't run out of female speakers too fast!

In Barcelona, we will host Mar Alarcón (CEO @ SocialCar). Mar created SocialCar to help people to monetise their cars while they are not being used, and went for many years without external investment. This is incredible nowadays.

Mar is also an expert on sharing economy, so we will be talking about other sharing economy apps like Uber, AirBnB or direct competitors such as Drivy, for instance.

The event is going to take place on May 19th at Mobile World Centre and it's going to be conducted in Spanish.

Get your ticket here: Startup Grind Barcelona hosts Mar Alarcón.

You can actually watch the two previous editions of our #SGWomen events:

May 2015 - Startup Grind BCN hosted Helena Torras (Pao Capital)

May 2014 - Startup Grind BCN hosted Anna Closas (The Social Coin)

Help us spread the word! Send this to all your female friends!

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