I love telling stories
Throughout the years, I have tried many ways of making my writings available for everyone.

Throughout the years, I have tried many ways of making my writings available for everyone.
I have run blogs of my own and some shared, volunteered at some local magazines, published writings in forums & websites - back when phpBB was cool -, collaborated as an ex-pat when I was living in Germany for a major Spanish newspaper, wrote stuff for other people, helped translate some books and done some guest blogging. All of this I have tried to no avail.
The closest I have gotten to “tell stories” have been my last two years actively tweeting my professional conversion from old-school consultant to running my own business at MarsBased.
However, Twitter is not meant for that. I believe that Twitter is an awesome platform for many things, but for me is most of the time a good way to “think out loud”.
I also run the blogs at MarsBased and Startup Grind BCN 95% of the time. But the beauty in these two blogs is precisely not writing too much. Only when it feels right and when the content suits the corporate strategies.
I need some platform that allows me to write more often, about a broader range of topics, where I represent only me.
So I decided to test this Medium thingie.
It looks simple and elegant. Stuff for writers.
This post was originally published on Medium on 2014-12-11:
I love telling stories.